Live & Local supports a network of voluntary organisations who bring their communities together to enjoy high-quality, entertaining and affordable professional live theatre, storytelling, music, dance, family & children's shows and film screenings in their local village hall, church or school.
All upcoming in-person Live & Local events will be COVID-secure following a thorough risk assessment. All venues and artists will be given guidance on how to operate their events to ensure the safety of patrons.
Live & Local’s Rural & Community Touring Network is made up of local voluntary organisations who choose and promote top-class professional shows with the support of a central administrative and marketing team. ANY enthusiastic voluntary group can become part of the Live & Local network.
Live & Local is made possible by the financial support of many grant giving bodies, individuals & organisations as well as the enthusiasm and commitment of local organisers and their audiences. Are you interested in helping us to put on more Surprising Shows in Surprising Places?
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